Shell Extensions - Context Menu
I wanted to write a context menu extension for the explorer using some Win32 API calls, which took me a while and it was really a pain. Had problems in debugging, needed to reboot the machine number of times, etc… So thought of coming up with a wrapper in .NET. The wrapper is mainly an abstract class which can be driven to create a personalized context menu extension. The assembly can be downloaded from here and the source can be downloaded from here.
How To use Utils.ShellExtensions.ContextMenu.dll
Deploy Utils.ShellExtensions.ContextMenu.dll in gac. Create a class library project. Add Utils.ShellExtensions.ContextMenu.dll to your project. Drive a class from BaseContextMenu. Make it com visible, install it in gac and register it for com.
[ComVisible(true), Guid("0056DA96-FFD6-4180-BAB2-8C9B6F552B2D")]
public class MyMenu : BaseContextMenu
public static void RegisterFunction(Type t)
//Register for files
RegisterContextMenu.Register("*", t.GUID);
//Register for folders
RegisterContextMenu.Register("Directory", t.GUID);
//Register for drives
RegisterContextMenu.Register("Drive", t.GUID);
public static void UnregisterFunction(Type t)
RegisterContextMenu.Unregister("*", t.GUID);
RegisterContextMenu.Unregister("Directory", t.GUID);
RegisterContextMenu.Unregister("Drive", t.GUID);
public override void AssembleMenu()
System.Drawing.Bitmap bmp = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(@"c:\test.bmp");
System.Drawing.Bitmap bmp1 = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(@"c:\test1.bmp");
MenuItems menuItems1 = new MenuItems("Test1",0,false);
MenuItems menuItems2 = new MenuItems("Test2",1,false,bmp,true);
MenuItems menuItems3 = new MenuItems("Test3",2,false,bmp1,false);
menuItems2.Click +=new Utils.ShellContextMenu.MenuItems.MenuClickHandler(menuItems2_Click);
menuItems3.Click +=new Utils.ShellContextMenu.MenuItems.MenuClickHandler(menuItems3_Click);
//This order is important. Always insert the parent container and then the child!
AddMenu(menuItems1, menuItems2);
AddMenu(menuItems1, menuItems3);
private void menuItems2_Click()
System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Menu Test2 clicked");
private void menuItems3_Click()
System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Menu Test3 clicked");