Wednesday, November 30, 2005

MCMS Manager Site Updated

I’ve updated the MCMS Manager site. Hope all of you will like the new look!

Monday, November 28, 2005

Rational Guide to installing MCMS 2002 Service Pack 2

Via Spencer :

This article provides a step by step installation for MCMS SP2, including the
developer tools for VS.NET 2005, SQL Server 2005, development gotchas and
upgrading the WoodgroveNet sample site.

Rational Guide to installing MCMS 2002 Service Pack 2

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

MCMS Manager 5.3

This version includes,

1. Placeholder content Find and Replace
2. Template switching
3. Save search (postings/resource) result in CSV format

Get the new version from here. For more information check MCMS Manager Site. Please don't forget to post your feedbacks.

Friday, November 18, 2005

A Web service to create Postings

There can be situations where the only solution to access MCMS is via web services. KB 327750 (How to use an MCMS Web service to ...) can be used as a starting point on creating a web service for MCMS. This article explains how a posting can be created using a web service (only the web method is provided).

public bool CreatePosting(string userName, string password, string channelGuid, string postingName, string templateGuid, out string error)
    //The above parameter list can contain more information about the posting such as display name, placeholder content, etc.
    //It is always recommended to encrypt the password and decrypt it.
    //Usually error will be very much useful to get the exact problem form MCMS.
    error = "";
    bool postiongCreated = false;
        using(CmsApplicationContext cmsContext = new CmsApplicationContext())
            //Authenticate the context in update mode
            cmsContext.AuthenticateAsUser(userName, password, PublishingMode.Update);
            //Get the channel object
            Channel parentChannel = cmsContext.Searches.GetByGuid(channelGuid) as Channel;
            //Get the template object
            Template sourceTemplate = cmsContext.Searches.GetByGuid(templateGuid) as Template;
            //To check whether they are found or not. If necessary it can be separated
            //to two conditions
            if(parentChannel!=null && sourceTemplate!=null)
                //Can this user create a posting/this template can be used to create posting?
               //If necessary it can be separated to two conditions
                if(parentChannel.CanCreatePostings && sourceTemplate.CanUseForAuthoring)
                        Posting newPosting = parentChannel.CreatePosting(sourceTemplate);
                        //More information can be set here if available.
                        newPosting.Name = postingName;
                        //Commit the changes
                        postiongCreated = true;
                    catch(Exception creationException)
                        //Oops.. An error occurred. Rollback!
                        error = creationException.ToString();
                        error = "User " + userName +" don't have rights to create a posting in "+ parentChannel.Name + " channel or the template " + sourceTemplate.Name + " cannot be used for authoring.";
                error = "Channel/Source Template not found";
    catch(Exception generalException)
        error = generalException.ToString();
return postiongCreated;

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

MCMS Manager 5.2

In this release,

1. Improved version of Posting Size Checker
2. Improved version of Log generator
3. Resource gallery size check and more...

Get the new version from here. For more information check MCMS Manager site.

MCMS 2002 Service Pack 2 (Updated)