A Web service to create Postings
public bool CreatePosting(string userName, string password, string channelGuid, string postingName, string templateGuid, out string error)
//The above parameter list can contain more information about the posting such as display name, placeholder content, etc.
//It is always recommended to encrypt the password and decrypt it.
//Usually error will be very much useful to get the exact problem form MCMS.
error = "";
bool postiongCreated = false;
using(CmsApplicationContext cmsContext = new CmsApplicationContext())
//Authenticate the context in update mode
cmsContext.AuthenticateAsUser(userName, password, PublishingMode.Update);
//Get the channel object
Channel parentChannel = cmsContext.Searches.GetByGuid(channelGuid) as Channel;
//Get the template object
Template sourceTemplate = cmsContext.Searches.GetByGuid(templateGuid) as Template;
//To check whether they are found or not. If necessary it can be separated
//to two conditions
if(parentChannel!=null && sourceTemplate!=null)
//Can this user create a posting/this template can be used to create posting?
//If necessary it can be separated to two conditions
if(parentChannel.CanCreatePostings && sourceTemplate.CanUseForAuthoring)
Posting newPosting = parentChannel.CreatePosting(sourceTemplate);
//More information can be set here if available.
newPosting.Name = postingName;
//Commit the changes
postiongCreated = true;
catch(Exception creationException)
//Oops.. An error occurred. Rollback!
error = creationException.ToString();
error = "User " + userName +" don't have rights to create a posting in "+ parentChannel.Name + " channel or the template " + sourceTemplate.Name + " cannot be used for authoring.";
error = "Channel/Source Template not found";
catch(Exception generalException)
error = generalException.ToString();
return postiongCreated;
hi Chester,
I´m a newbie in MCMS developement and i've used your code to create post programatically, but when i go to site manager to see the new post it appears with locking owner as "the user i create for do it", this means that only that user can edit or publish it or is posible that MCMS administrator can edit and publish it?
Thanks in advance!
Not relly. But if you want it to be editted by everyone, then you should relese the lock on the posting.
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